68. Pray For Your Adult Kids: How, Why, and When. Interview with Tina Smith
Episode 68
Tina Smith is the Founder of Raising Kids on Your Knees, a ministry dedicated to equipping parents to transform the lives of their children through prayer. Tina is an author of several books, including her latest release Praying for the Salvation of My Children, A Prayer Journal. She is also a podcast host and teacher.
Show Notes
Why keep praying if you don't see results? If your kids have walked away from the Lord, is it too late to pray? How do I know what to pray? The answer to these questions and so much more are found in this fantastic interview with Tina Smith. Not only will you find encouragement, but real actionable steps to take.
Tina’s Website: Raising Kids On Your Knees
Instagram: @raisingkidsonyourknees
Tina’s Podcasts:
Tina’s Book:
Tina’s Wisdom:
Our prayers are actually echo through generations. Our prayers don’t die. We read this in Revelations: And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel's hand. - Revelation 8:4
It is not just pray. It is powerful. You are engaging with the God of the universe. The God who created the world and the people you are praying for. It is powerful and it is never a last ditch effort.
It is the most powerful thing you can do for anybody is to pray for them and engage God in what is going on in their lives and interceding for them. They might not be praying for themselves so we need to be praying for them.
When we are praying for our kids it paves a path for the Holy Spirit to work. That is what we are doing when we pray for our kids. It also gives them a distinct advantage in the spiritual realm. We are in a battle and somebody has got to be fighting for them if they are not fighting for themselves. So when we are fighting on their behalf in the spirit realm it is giving them a distinct advantage in that spiritual battle they are mired up in at the moment..
We have to be resolved and okay with the fact that what I’m praying for today I might ever see with my human eyes. I might not see until I get to heaven. We have got to be okay with that.
When you don’t see answers, you keep pressing in even harder. There are people on my prayer list I’ve been for over twenty years. I might not ever see the answer to that prayer, but we know God will answer it.
You have to think about your motivation. Are you praying to make your life better or are you praying to make your life more holy? Are you praying to make your children’s lives better or are you praying to make your children’s lives more holy?
Praying without ceasing is a command, not a suggestion. … Whether I feel like it or not, and what I see with my human eyes is nothing, God is working. He is in the background working.
God is always working in the background. We have to trust that. A lot of times we don’t believe that. We are mired up in unbelief. And unbelief is sin.
He works in the strangest ways. The things he does we would never expect. It is so cool to see the unexpected happen. I see God woo my kids to Himself more through the blessing. I see God’s kindness wooing my children to Himself.
Turn those worries into prayer. Work through them with god. Don’t just keep them bottled up inside. Go to God and tell Him your concerns. But I’m trusting you that you are in control.
When I’ve left worries at His feet I’ve walked away with peace and joy…knowing that there is absolutely nothing I can do but there is everything He can do.
Prayer isn’t going to keep everything bad from happening. But what prayer is going to do is when those pieces fall, prayer is going to pick up those pieces and put them back together again.