We Need Strong Knees (Episode 6)


Getting older means aches, pains, and body parts not working like they used to. There's a great spiritual analogy here, and we find it in Hebrews 12 where we are told to strengthen our weak knees. If we want to run our race for Jesus with endurance, we need to lighten our load and deal with our hurting parts.

Show Notes

Here's two suggestions for being able to run our race with endurance:

  • Get rid of everything that makes it harder.: get rid of the extra weight

  • Strengthen what's weak and/or make provision for it.

I found those two suggestions in scripture. Hebrews 12.

Here's suggestions

  • remember inspiring stories (start reading or listening to)

  • strengthen my knees (the norishment of the bread of life does this more than anything)

  • walk of straight paths, steering away from the things that throw our bum knees out of kilter.

  • strive for peace with others

  • forgive quickly. roots of bitterness trip us.

We need to:

  • Light and lean.

  • Only taking what we need.

  • Keeping our eyes on Jesus.

Let's get our knees strong and run after our second half calling with endurance.

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