71. Living Your More In The Empty Nest. Interview With Vona Johnson
Episode 71
Interview with Vona Johnson
Vona Johnson is Living Her MORE and she loves helping others find peace and fulfillment so they can too. She's an author, podcast host, life coach, and speaker who helps Christians discover what is missing in their life, find order in the chaos, redefine their priorities and create a deeper connection with their eternal purpose.
Vona’s website: vonajohnson.com
Vona’s book: A Different View: Start Living the Life Your Soul Longs For
Show Notes
We all want to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. But what do we do when we get to these years, look back, and find what we counted on making us feel good never seems to measure up? What do we do with the burdens we find ourselves carrying? And an even better question - what would happen if we lived out our faith in all areas of our life? Vona Johnson answers these questions and more. Take a listen!
Vona’s book recommendation: