59. Eating and Exercise in the Empty Nest
Episode 59
Part 2 of Amy Connell! The empty nest years make our health decisions more important than ever. How else will we stay strong and healthy to do all the Lord calls us to do? This episode is loaded chock full of wisdom and practical help to assist us make good choices and wise decisions about our health in the empty nest. Amy's deep knowledge will give you actionable steps you can implement today in the areas of food and exercise.
Amy Connell is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and imperfect eater. She founded Graced Health in 2016 to equip women with simple and grace-filled ways to take care of and appreciate their God-created body … and enjoy a little chocolate in the process. Amy is the author of Your Worthy Body: Find Freedom in Health by Breaking All the Rules, coming in November 2021. She lives in the Houston, Texas area with her husband of 23 years, their two always-hungry teen boys, and her stray-turned princess pit bull named Grace.
Listen to the first half of the interview here:
Show Notes
As our bodies ages what are some things we need to be doing to take care of ourselves
THIS episode we will address the choices we can make to be the most available we can be.
We take care of our body so we can do what we are called to do!
“As an older woman, I want to make the right choices to preserve the most amount of energy that I can have to serve the Lord for as long as I can. ”
How About Exercise?
I want to stay strong enough to pick up my grandkids!
Incorporating movement in your routine:
Set up world to encourage movement
NEAT: non exercise activity thermogenesis
To get started: get shoes that fit your feet and go for a walk.
Can do with other people to find encouragement and have it go faster.
Exercise will help support the things we want to do with our bodies that will bring us joy and will enable us to create those great memories with the people we love.
Moving in big circular motions: mobility
Don’t do the same thing every day
include rest days in your rhythms
As we age: get strong but not hurt ourselves
Perfect plank position at the 18:36:00 mark of the podcast!
Free resource: squat free strong legs
Want strong legs but your knees don’t like squats or lunges? Get the free download, Squat-Free Strong Legs to receive twelve movements to strengthen your lower body, three customizable workouts. https://www.gracedhealth.com/stronglegs
There are no bad foods. Take shame away from food so it takes the power away from it. Food isn’t good or bad. It fuels us.
All foods provide: fat, carbs, protein
Not good or bad foods. Rather do they bring value
Cinderella Carbs: they add value and nutrients.
Some are the stepsister carbs who don’t bring value.
We have to do things different than we did before
Choosing smaller portion sizes
Food that no longer agrees with us. Pay attention to how a particular food makes you feel.
Do we need fewer calories as we age? Yes!
Loss of muscle mass and muscle increases resting metabolic rate (metabolism)
Menopausal: less estrogen affects body chemistry and impacts metabolism.
You will enjoy Amy’s podcast. Here is a link to the one I mentioned on the episode.
Amy’s Book: Your Worthy Body
Sign up to be notified when Your Worthy Body: Find Freedom in Health by Breaking All the Rules releases. You’ll receive a five-minute Wake Up and Warm Up video (do it in your pajamas!), my family’s on-the-go protein filled breakfast recipes, and a printable 14-day health and body image devotional.