43. How To Shop My Closet With Jesus

Clothes can be such a big item to manage. Glad you're here today as we discuss how to shop our closet and downsize our clothes. How do we filter through all we own and only keep what we love? And why does it even matter? This episode addresses both the how and the why.

Show Notes

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Help To Downsize!

Thanks for joining this series on downsizing. I’m personally going through major shift by moving into  a much smaller home and inviting you to join me as we downsize our stuff in order to upsize our impact!

Here are the previous episodes that will really assist your efforts:

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How To Shop Your Closet for Jesus

  1. Pray: it is all Yours, Jesus. What should I keep? Please give me wisdom.

    1. Same 5 Prayers as Episode 42 can be used here. I like to start the process with prayer.

  2. Make non-judgemental agreement with yourself to only keep what fits. 

    1. Hey- midlife women- It is okay that our bodies have changed. 

    2. That tight skirt or those jeans we loved that don’t really fit anymore but will when we loose these ten stubborn pound that we’re going to lose next month. IT CAN GO!

    3. Tight clothes are evil.

  3. Marie Kondo method: Take everything out and take to other room. I do one type at a time. (over several days, but give yourself a time limit)

    1. I take out one type at a time: short sleeve, dresses, pants

      1. How many pants do you need? I wear jeans most of my days. How many  others do I really need?  Choose a number that is reasonable.

      2. Choose that many pants (including the jeans). No cheating.

      3. Hang hangers backwards. Turn when actually wear. Choose time period that have to wear by.

      4. Do the next item. Don’t forget shoes and purses!

  4. Give to women’s shelter. They NEED one pair of pants and I have 20 (some of which don’t fit anymore.) Need to share.

  5. Another help: wear something and feel uncomfortable all day? Give away when get home.

I’m fascinated by the capsule wardrobe. Here is a helpful article:

I look at my clothes differently now. What basically do I need?

What do I love? I’m at the age that loving something, even if not the MOST attractive in the world, works for me.

What feels comfortable so I don’t need to suck in my stomach all day?

I want to look attractive so I draw people to my words of the gospel, but I no longer want to spend my days worrying about clothes. If I keep the best choices for me, I have a cleaner, less crowded closet, and getting dressed just got much easier!

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Also, put a picture of your downsizing up on Instagram or Facebook and tag me!

Susan MaciasComment