Why Aren't We Done Yet?

We're not done yet.png

The nest empties.
The job slows.
Retirement approaches.
Is this what it means to get old?

Feeling Old

At 57 years old, I sometimes wonder at how little I feel my age. Well, expect for joints and other body parts that ache—places I never realized I had. And the grey hair and laugh lines. Oh, and let’s not forget the weird and unfortunate metamorphosis of the female throat. And the phenomenon of crepe-ing. Ugh.

Age inflicts also its toll on my energy. I don’t have either the physical or emotional energy I used to. Maybe it’s because the precious gift of sleep no longer visits me nightly. No matter how weary I am, I wake up repeatedly. I didn’t used to do that.

And then, of course my memory (or lack there of) is a hoot. I mean, there was this time…, I…, oh shoot—I forgot what I was going to say.

But besides all those things, I don’t feel old at all. 

How Was Old Supposed to Feel?

I’d hoped age would deliver wisdom. I thought maturity would change my feelings, like gravity changed my skin. But while I can map my years on my exterior, my mind and feeling feel remarkably like when I was twenty, with the same hangups and fears, plus some new ones.

Now, I also fight the fear that I’m growing irrelevant. Unnecessary. In the way. All of a sudden, I’m the “older woman” of Titus 2. Which is a honor, when I think of it in biblical terms. But in vanity’s terms, it just feels past my prime. Can you identify with that?

It’s easy to develop bad attitudes as we drive down the bumpy road of aging. 

Wrong attitudes like:

  • I’ve done enough.

  • I’ve served everyone so long that now it's my turn.

  • I failed at ______ (marriage, parenting, job, finances, etc.), so I’m disqualified.

  • Nobody needs me.

  • THEY don’t want people my age.

  • I just want to be done with others so I can do my own thing.

Here’s my response. Baloney. Baloney on every single one of those thoughts. If I’m going to fight the enemy’s lies, I must recognize them.

So, the question is, how do we keep serving and ministering and helping in significant ways? How do we listen to the Lord’s voice to hear His call in this second half?

I believe if we are citizens of heaven and followers of Jesus, then there’s no room for spiritual retirement. No precedent. No excuse. No example. If we’re breathing, we’ve work to do. 

Is that encouraging or discouraging? I understand. Sometimes, I just want to curl up with a great book and let the world pass by. Especially with the world hurtling itself down Suicide Highway on its way to Crazy Town.

But sister, our current culture just means we have MORE to do, and it’s MORE important to get going. We need to encourage each other with this simple fact: no matter our age, our past, our successes, or our failures, We’re Not Done Yet. Because:

  • Your church needs us. And if your church doesn’t have a place for you-

  • A ministry needs you. And if you can’t find a ministry-

  • Your kids and grand kids need you. And if those relationship is broken-

  • Your neighborhood needs you. And if your neighbors all reject you-

  • Find a lonely person somewhere.

    • An exchange student.

    • A young mother far from her own family.

    • A man or woman just abandoned by a spouse who thinks life has no more meaning.

    • An elderly person who lives alone and needs company or a hot meal.

    • A foster child that needs a home. 

Just think of the endless places we can serve.


We’re Not Done Yet

So why aren’t we done yet? Because we’re breathing! Because the Spirit of God lives in us. Because the Great Commission doesn’t have a retirement age.

I invite you to join me September 9th for my podcast launch. You might have picked up on the title already. We’re Not Done Yet is directed to women who realize that God probably has a call for this second half of life, even if we aren’t sure what it is and even if we feel disqualified or uncertain. Still, we have work to do.

Want to join me? I’d love to hear from you about what you find challenging in this stage of life and what you hear the Lord telling you to do. Where is He calling you to serve?

Look for my podcast wherever you listen to podcasts, or come back here to my website. I’ll have a blog post with a link. And let me know your questions about finding your calling in the second half of life.

Susan MaciasComment