Day 1: REMEMBERING God is My Help


WELCOME to 31 Days of Remembering God! Every day in the month of January 2019 we will pause to remember one aspect of God’s character or His actions. If you want to receive these devotionals in your inbox just sign up below.

Each day will have one Stone of Rock verse as we build our own Ebenezer Rock over the month. Next is a Remember verse- focusing on one particular thing we need to REMEMBER. Then a short devotional and a few questions. I encourage you to journal along through the month.

Let’s start 2019 off right!

God Is My Help



Then Samuel took a STONE and set it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer; for he said, "Till now the LORD has HELPED us." (1 Samuel 7:12, ESV)

Samuel placed the stone reminding people that the Lord was an active, ever-present reality in their lives. Each day our devotionals will begin with a different scripture reminding us of our Rock, our Stone of Help, our Lord.


My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I REMEMBER you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my HELP, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. (Psalm 63:5-6, ESV)


I wonder how many times the Lord has helped me and I totally didn’t notice? When have I taken credit for solving a problem or getting myself out of a jam, when it was Jesus helping me the whole time? Or, what about when I asked for help from the Lord, received it, and then promptly forgot to thank Him or give Him the honor He was due?

Today I am asking the Lord to help me REMEMBER the many times He has been my HELP. I will be keeping my journal open and recording each item or situation that returns to my mind. No matter how big or small, I want to recall the Lord’s help and give Him the praise He deserves!

  • And my tongue will talk of your righteous HELP all the day long, for they have been put to shame and disappointed who sought to do me hurt. (Psalm 71:24 ESV)

  • PRAYER: Lord, please remind me of the many times You have helped me. I want to remember so I can talk about You all day long, giving You the credit You deserve.

  • Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life. ... With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you; I will give thanks to your name, O LORD, for it is good. (Psalm 54:4, 6 ESV)

  • PRAYER: Thank you Lord for helping me and holding me up through every storm and difficulty. Please help me remember as many as possible today so I can thank You for being so good.

SIGN UP below and have access to free Ebenezer Journal labels for your notebook. Or make your own and share a picture with us! The important thing is to write down your thoughts and anything the Lord reveals to you. Then you create a memorial of His…

SIGN UP below and have access to free Ebenezer Journal labels for your notebook. Or make your own and share a picture with us! The important thing is to write down your thoughts and anything the Lord reveals to you. Then you create a memorial of His work and love in your life.


How has God helped you in the past year? Ask Him to remind you and then record every item that comes to mind.

What areas of your life do you try and accomplish on your own? How would they benefit from turning to the Lord for help?

List at least three things you need the Lord’s help with right now. Ask Him for that help.


Every time you pray today, speak the name, “God my Help” out loud to remind your heart of Who your help always is.

Tell somebody about a way God helped you last year. Give Him praise!

Tomorrow is Day 2: Remembering our God of Wonders

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