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60. Living Without Regret. Interview with Rhonda Stoppe

Episode 60

Rhonda Stoppe is the best selling author of 6 books and popular speaker, for more than 30 years, and she helps women build no regrets lives. Her messages weave Christian comedy and transparent stories together with sound biblical doctrine. Rhonda is a pastor’s wife, mother, grandmother, mom coach and marriage mentor. As well as a popular podcast guest, appearing numerous times on Focus on the Family, Family Life Today and Dr. James Dobsons’ FamilyTalk.

Get in touch with Rhonda:

instagram: @rhondastoppe
Facebook: Rhonda Stoppe No Regrets Woman

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Show Notes

Blessing of empty nest:

  • “Once you wrap your head around that you have all of this time and that God can do through you things that you didn’t do earlier on, then you are coming to the place where you are just, “Okay, Lord. I don’t know what You want to do through me, but I am available.”

  • Fiercely Unstoppable Entrepreneur

Rhonda’s best advice from someone else:

  • “If I can warn you at all, don't forsake your ministry of children and marriage for ministry in your church. “

Rhonda’s Wisdom: 

  • (Susanna Wesley) just made the time to be a prayer warrior for her kids. She lived out the real Christian life in a way that drew her kids to want to know her Savior.

  • When we are genuine. When we are real. When our kids see us needing to press into Christ so that we can even do what he has called us to do in this ministry of motherhood, that shows them that ‘s the normal Christian life. When I am weak then He is strong.

  • He is the One I have to run to to get my marching orders. To get the wisdom and discernment to do this thing He is calling me to do.

  • Write a letter to my younger self and give it to the next generation then they can learn from my mistakes.

  •  (If we don’t engage) We’re missing this valuable resource that God has put in us to hand, to pass the baton to the next generation

  • When we are broken over our sin our worship is deeper.


 Susan: How do we walk ahead with the Lord and be a no-regrets woman?

Rhonda: The regrets are stepping stones to bring us to humility. To keep us in a place where we have to keep relying on the Lord. If we get stuck in that regret … we live in this fear of being found out. Or so beating up ourselves that God can never use us … that’s Satan’s lies.

 Rhonda quoting her husband:

  • I want to finish well. I want to handle accurately the Word of God and hand it to this next generation and I want to finish well. That’s a good meesage with this podcast. Ladies, let’s finish well. Let’s do with zeal what God has called us to do. Let’s seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. And let’s run the race that He has set before us with this time that we have on our hands now as empty nesters.

 Rhonda gave us an example of how we can all be of Prayer Warriors. Check out the link below to hear more about the importance of our roles as prayer warriors:


Susan: How do you balance roles?


  • You have to be led by the Spirit. … I can look in front of myself and have no idea where I am headed. I can look behind and I see His sovereignty and His providence and His nudging and His conviction and sending people into my life at just the right time to teach me something or to redirect my path or to bring me to repentance. Or He brings a circumstance into your life that teaches you something about the Lord you never knew.

  • Trials teach us something about the Lord.

  •  Balance is something that if we try to do it on our own we are going to get off balance. But when we just keep pressing in, this is a ministry He’s called me to do. “What do you want me to do today, Lord? Interrupt my day.”

That’s how we teach the next generation. By our example.

If You Are Living With Regret

You might enjoy a special podcast I created called: The Woman In The Mirror.

Reality, we all live with regrets, but how does our Saviour respond? You might be surprised. Take a listen: